Parental Involvement

Parents Club and Dragon Dads

Behind the scenes at Oak Hill, you will find parents busy at work helping to enhance the experience of students and teachers alike. Parents assist with special events that benefit the school and staff, such as teacher appreciation breakfasts, family picnics and auctions. They host class parties, organize field trips and help raise money.

We invite you to explore the many ways you can make a difference. Please consider attending the Parents Club meetings, which take place every other month and offer parent education and networking. Dragon Dads was formed to provide volunteer and financial support to the school, as well as social opportunities for Oak Hill dads. Dragon Dads funds school picnics and recruits volunteers to grill hundreds of burgers and hot dogs enjoyed at these popular family events. If you would like to get more involved or have ideas for the Parents Club, please contact Jennifer Nimmo. Contact John Tsao for information about Dragon Dads.