The Elementary School Program
Elementary students at Oak Hill are provided with multisensory opportunities to engage in our curriculum, which includes math, reading, literature and writing, science and social studies.
Reading instruction is individualized based on students’ needs, using small group instruction in phonemic awareness, symbol imagery, word attack, whole word/sight word recognition, morpheme-based decoding and Reading in Context.
Currently OHA is implementing the LIPS and Seeing Stars programs by Lindamood Bell and supplemented with morphology using the Structured Word Inquiry method for reading instruction in first through fifth grades. Reading comprehension is taught as whole group instruction, using the Visualizing and Verbalizing program by Lindamood Bell, using multi sensory language to build concept imagery. Math instruction is also individualized, with an emphasis on application in the real world (money, time, measurement, etc.) Science and social studies concepts are presented in an engaging, high interest manner, using a project-based model. Social skills instruction is embedded into our instructional day. Speech therapists and classroom teachers are trained to provide explicit instruction in concepts from the Social Thinking curriculum, developed by Michelle Garcia Winner. This instruction is offered to the whole group, as well as in small pullout groups.
This comprehensive, integrative model allows teachers and staff to engage in real life problem solving with students as conflict arises, helping support them as they apply the Social Thinking concepts they are learning.
Our learning support staff are highly trained in conflict resolution, behavior management and sensory processing needs. They provide behavioral and sensory support to all elementary students by delivering explicit instruction in academics and group learning skills, providing individualized behavior and sensory supports and coaching classroom teachers. We are able to identify skills deficits (social, behavior, academic) and help build skills from where students are.